[01.02.2025] Other, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2733612

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Is this a new image or is it one that’s being copy/pasted from other cards?

It’s a new image. I posted it on Slack about a month ago, but I didn’t have the chance to finalize it until today


Usually seen as Giardia lamblia as far as I know, not Giardia duodenalis

We can keep as Giardia lamblia*

Then *Giardia lamblia is now known as Giardia duodenalis at the bottom @mohannadkh10

Sorry for the delay, it’s a busy time for me at the moment. Can we merge this bulk for now? I’ll update the image within a week to 10 days. it’ll be easier for me to do the update later than reupload everything

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Fine to do, I’ll accept them! I assigned you to this post so it will ping you every week I believe as a reminder