[01.10.2023] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 147067

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is this that confusing? i really don’t think so. no need to overcomplicate and worth learning this step as the only step for exam purposes

Well I feel the text field is too overcomplicated but the extra field is written well

can we keep the extras field and revert the main field then?

Agree with jprasadh

Can do. For reference, the main field suggestion was:

Tyrosine may be converted to {{c3:: dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)}} which is then converted to {{c1::melanin}} via the enzyme {{c2::tyrosinase}}

(or in text form):
Tyrosine may be converted to {{c3::dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)}} which is then converted to {{c1::melanin}} via the enzyme {{c2::tyrosinase}}