[01.10.2025] Other, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2764079

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There is an open suggestion by @thomas.holmes for this card (below image) but I believe his suggestion is better as a new card

I prefer original, it’s concise and straight to the point. Unless there is an content error I would not change

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Feel like this is too close to the UW question rather than the broad concept, but overall headed in the right direction. We can remove newly diagnosed and can also change to drug classes rather than specific drugs:

What is the next step in management for a patient with NYHA class II-IV heart failure and LVEF ≤35% who is already taking ARNI, BB, and loop diuretic?

Extra should also include that these drugs are also useful for history of STEMI complicated by LVEF ≤40% and either heart failure symptoms or comorbid diabetes


AICD/CRT is correct answer to the Cloze

I updated the card per your suggestions. I am not confident about using “these drugs” as I didn’t want to include loop diuretics, so I modified it a bit, assuming it’s implied that patients should be on BB and RAAS inhibitors.

I also lean toward removing the second bullet point

I think both of the first two bullets are kinda unhelpful - they basically just restate the card

I deleted the second note, I kept the first one because I feel it states the fact, as the text does not directly state a fact but asks for the next step. I am okay either way
