[01.10.2025] Other, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2764084

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Think this is way too detailed, can add the NYHA classes to my suggestion but the rest can just go in extra

Did sth similar to your suggestion, but I kept the extra section (as I believe the QRS duration is tested)
For the text, i still believe the card can be better with a hint for each cloze

CHF with NYHA class II-IV + EF ≤ 35% = add {{c1::automated implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD)::Sudden death prevention}} or {{c1::biventricular pacemaker (CRT)::resynchroniziation}}

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I support all the changes to extra, just want to keep text simple

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@Anking-Maintainers bump

Think the current suggestion is fine. Support either current suggestion or with the hints but prefer it with your suggested hints. Appreciate all the effort you’ve put into this heart failure stuff

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any changes you think would be necessary at this point