Hey @jamesmaxwellcrew. I think this is a nice catch and it would look better if these two images were aligned.
Here’s the updated image:
Would you like to resubmit your suggestion with it? These cards (which also contain the previous image) should also be changed:
Anki id: 1554092016577
Anki id: 1554091909204
Anki id: 1554091252557
Anki id: 1554090838792
lmk what works! I’m happy to fix these cards with the new image if that works better for you.
Yeah, I can do it. I submitted as-is b/c I couldn’t copy-and-paste the image as-is into an editor. Any idea why that is?
Couldn’t paste from anki into an application where you can edit the image? Or do you mean couldn’t paste images into the Ankihub website for suggestions directly? If its the latter, you can edit the card you want in anki then press “Suggest a change.”
From Anki. Pasting into Paint didn’t do anything, and pasting into Powerpoint only copied what I’m presuming is the alt-text.
Edits for the other few you linked should be submitted now.
hmm. If you right click on the image it should give you the option to open it where you could then save it. You could also right click the image then click show in folder and then duplicate the image.
Also sounds good!