[01.16.2025] Spelling/Grammar, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 2838027

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I dunno. I’m not against the update, though I feel like the phrasing could use some love. Today is a little hectic for me so I don’t immediately have the time to meditate on it tho

What about like this, short and simple.

That definitely looks cleaner. :slight_smile:

My only quibble might be men and females. If we’re talking about ‘gender’ we might want to hew to terms more closely aligned with gender, rather than sex. ‘Men and women’ seems more consistent, in that case, imo.

I wouldnt even know where to begin with fixing that

I think if the card is referencing gender it probably makes the most sense to stick with terms of gender, rather than sex (men/women, rather than males/females).

Ah yes I get what you mean now lol, lets do that

Updated to men and women.