[02.03.2025] Other, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2935520

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Sorry, just for my clarity, does the image not show skipping of a generation?

Ah may have misinterpreted myself; I’ve always thought skipping generations meant “grandpas got it, myself and none of my siblings do, but now some of our children have it”… feel free to resubmit and once our forum comes back online we can get some more input (comments/voting on discourse are glitchy rn)

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Lol, I have been experiencing the very same glitches. It’s the Wild West the last few days.

I’ll resubmit here in a few. Hope the glitches aren’t causing too much consternation to your day otherwise. Thanks for the second look. :slight_smile:

I’m consterned at baseline at this point but that’s medical school I suppose lol

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You’re in good company, if nothing else. :mending_heart: