[02.04.2025] New Note, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 644127

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@andrewmathias8 @Cameron I got this question wrong in the past as well haha, personally I prefer not to add cards that are a question stem as it may ruin / spoil the UW question, would rather focus on 1 or 2 concepts that distinguishes Histrionic PD from Narcissistic PD - e.g. dramatic emotional expression, or excessive preoccupation with physical appearance. These are partially covered in nid:1485140237481, but could also modify nid:1485140242631 to add exaggerated emotional expressions (i believe in the past I thought this was more characteristics with Narcissism)

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Yeah, might be nice to add something about exaggerated emotional expressions or something to educate people on some of the nuance!