[05.30.2024] Content error, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1630672

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Would want to see this tested that glucocorticoids are not given since it does have shelf tag. Real life and NBME tends to not always align. We can however add to extra this distinction if anything


“and may be treated with” in text and explanation in extra?


(Started a related thread about this topic under nid:1550409409106 for future reference.)

Came across this card again while on neuro.


AMBOSS question describes trauma patient with spinal cord injury at T3. Question asks next step in management. Answer is placement of foley catheter. IV steroids is an incorrect answer choice and the explanation says steroids are “not recommended for patients with acute nonpenetrating spinal cord injury.” Says recent studies show it does not improve outcomes. I don’t see any UW tags for this, though a somewhat related card (nid:1550409409106) says these tags. Not sure if they’re relevant.


Also just took Form 6 for Neuro NBME which had steroids as a correct answer without any disclaimer. Submitted change request to add tag #AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::Neuro::nbme::Form_6. Though we don’t necessarily change cards based on NBMEs, especially if AMBOSS contradicts it.