[08.24.2024] Updated content, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2048156

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I never liked this card, but I think we should maybe check how this topic is tested

I have never heard of this term tbh, but I vaguely remember questions where the answer is “rolling” but i am not so sure

Valid point. Initially, looking at the AMBOSS article, the term “roll” isn’t used, but there is mention of “redistribute pressure” and “pressure relief” (but not “pressure redistribution”). Would be interested to see if any UW questions use different terms

UW 3472 the correct answer is “pressure redistribution” :sweat_smile:
So I guess it’s a good change. Maybe add the tag as well

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Before pushing this I would like to suggest deleting “and treat” (make it just “What intervention helps prevent compression ulcers?”) to avoid confusion with measures such as debridement, dressing, infection management, etc., which are more classically construed as “treatment” in this context. Like this message if that’s ok!


Good point