[11.20.2022] New content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 66914

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I think this card will not work well as a one-by-one, as it’ll require recalling the items in order(which is not important). I also think it’s better to have multiple closes you can go through faster, and don’t have to spend time repeating the whole chunk when you have trouble remembering one specific item from the list.

The two additions are great.

my wonder would be whether any additions are necessary? I’ve seen this card a good number of times, and I think it’s mainly just a reminder to consider it in tradespeople etc, rather than aiming to be an exhaustive list. I’m not sure plumbers in the original is necessary (as would be a subset of construction workers) and I feel similarly with roofers. Lots of manufacturing jobs (and miners, and waste disposal, etc etc) would be higher risk - the existing card feels like a quick, low-yield reminder to consider it.

not appropriate for 1-by-1 since no way to recall order, also agree with Joe’s and Elijah’s comments