Cannot see media, asking for refund

I recently purchased the lifetime membership of $240 on ankihub to subscribe to the ankisthesia deck today. However, as I began to use a few of the cards, I noticed a good chunk of the images were missing. I tried troubleshooting all day and although it states all the media was uploaded, it’s still missing a lot. I’ve been growing increasingly frustrated with trying to troubleshoot this and frankly, I’m too inexperienced with Anki that I probably won’t ever use it. I’m wondering if you would allow a refund? I also sent an email and it redirected me here. Thank you for your time.

Have you messaged the owner of the deck on reddit? If they have uploaded the media to AnkiHub you shouldn’t need to do any special importing using any google drive links, since media is now supported on AnkiHub.

From what I understand the textbook media was removed from the deck due to copyright. The CA1 media is there.

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@andrew this user has been refunded as far as I can see on stripe, should we close the discussion here?

Sounds good to me!