How to unsuspend relevant cards from flashcard selector using AI Chatbot?

Hey there,

Not sure if this is a bug or if I’m approaching this incorrectly. I’m attempting to use the new AI flashcard selector feature to find and unsuspend relevant B&B cards after watching the corresponding B&B video. However, when I check the box on the specific lecture in the family tag box, the parent boxes have a minus sign “-” in them and I get a message saying that they could not find any cards related to that lecture. Please help point me in the right direction. I attached a screenshot below if that helps.


I would be happy to help. :slight_smile:

The ‘-’ sign is not, on its own, unusual. That is there to indicate that you’re selecting that tree, though not selecting everything underneath that tree. For example, were it to be a ‘+’ sign that would indicate that you wanted, for example, 03 clinical and everything else underneath that section (all of the daughter tags).

But, aside from that, let’s double check why you’re not seeing it pull up any cards:

Just to cover our initial bases can you navigate to the Browse screen within Anki, open your tags, and click on this tag:


From there, you should see a card count at the top of your screen that indicates to you how many cards are present under that tag. Can you let me know what number you see?

Yup! I have 31917 cards under that tag as of today, January 21st at 9:30AM.

I attached a screenshot of the message I get.

Please let me know your thoughts as soon as you get a chance!

I believe that there is a discrepancy in the tag naming, in that the tags on this screen differ from those in Anki. I can’t be sure yet that that’s the issue, but we’ve passed it along to the developers to take a look at so hopefully they’ll have a solution sooner than later. :slight_smile:

In the meantime, it’s a bit more laborious, but you should still be able to select cards manually. It’s not much, but it may be a serviceable workaround in the meantime. This tutorial can walk you through the basics: How to Get Started Studying

Let me know if that helps. :slight_smile: