AnkiHub Updated Today "New Note" Error

I made the addon bettersearch.

my addon causes the problem because when I made it in 2020 I didn’t anticipate this use case. The solution proposed by ms1100 should fix this problem but then “note:” will never trigger my selection window.

I just made some small changes to my addon that should fix the problem by more precisely matching search operators like “note:”. Maybe someone here could test the attached new version before I upload it for everyone on ankiweb.

this forum does not allow me to upload “.ankiaddon” files. So I changed the extension to “.zip”. So after downloading this file you must undo this change, i.e. change the name of the extension back to “.ankiaddon”. Then you should be able to drag&drop the new addon version onto the addons window or just double click it to install it. (79.6 KB)