[01.02.2024] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 956676

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Think I’d rather see this one changed in a way to make it more specific to FAP, extra on card already clues in that other mutations are involved via chromosomal instability pathway but higher-yield association is FAP w/ APC and understanding that that predisposes those patients to colorectal cancer

Maybe could phrase it as “Inherited mutations in…” and leave answer as just APC?

@AnKing-Maintainers Thoughts on adding “Inherited” to beginning of card just to keep it specific?

Edit: this specifically says FAP-associated… as far as I’m aware, only APC is relevant to familial adenomatous polyposis? The others may contribute to the adenomas becoming cancerous, but the key gene here is APC

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strongly disagree, this is high yield and there is no reason to muddy this up. Can just keep what is written in extra