[02.03.2025] Updated content, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 2935518

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@Brian_BH whats your thoughts on adding it to other bond angle cards that I mentioned in the rationale. Just the ones <120 or all the angles I dont know how hyperspecific we are. Kind of feel like you have to know all of them to know which are below <120.

Yeah, but then that gets into the sticky realm of technically having to know a lot of things to eliminate down to a correct answer, which causes a ton of bloat.

The idea is to make sure that the cards tagged push the correct information, rather than all the wrong stuff you’d have to eliminate to get there.

There are occasions when you absolutely have to know two differing answer options, and it’s not possible to answer correctly otherwise. But short of that we try to be very tight on ‘what’s necessary to know the right answer’ rather than ‘what would you want to know to eliminate incorrect answers’, etc.

Makes sense!
