[03.03.2024] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1154468

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Support, we can also do “long standing glaucoma”

Too clunky, would need to break into two separate c1

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I think i’d rather find a way to make this specific to open angle (such as use a hint ::not chronic) rather than add this and make the cloze more complicated. we can just add to extra “chronic closed angle also presents like this”

Support adding a hint or two clozes but don’t like when a cloze has 2 answers and one is in the extra because often I’ll answer the extra section and still have to mark the card as incorrect because I didn’t think of the answer in the cloze


Support, hint or 2 different c2. But leaning towards keeping the card specific.


updated suggestion to add hint @anking-maintainers

This might just be primary open angle glaucoma based on incidence - primary open angle glaucoma accounts for 90% of all glaucoma and is often asymptomatic (per Amboss). “Not chronic” is a bit confusing because it’s not clear that it’s referring specifically to chronic angle closure glaucoma (not just chronic open angle glaucoma). What about leaving text as is and add to extra that chronic closed angle glaucoma presents similarly, but primary open angle glaucoma accounts for 90% of all glaucoma.


Yeah that’s a fair point, how do we feel about changing the hint to “most common” since that is clear that you’re referring to open angle


Agree with @thomas.holmes