[03.07.2023] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 264645

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per amboss: mainstay of GCA treatment is glucocorticoid therapy", and ADJUNCT therapy (glucocorticoid-sparing therapy) are for patients who relapse or at high risk of complications from long-term glucocorticoid therapy or to decrease glucocorticoid dose, options include tocilizumab or methotrexate". Original implies that both are initially given, its glucocorticoids first and if there is risk of complications or its relapsing then MTX or toci can be given

also need to check uworld specifically on what it says the treatment is, or either we can change the card to say initial treatment of GCA and make it more clear

Maybe just make it glucocorticoids. Thoughts on adding a card for glucocorticoid sparing regiment? Idk how high yield that would be. Maybe just add a blurb in the the extra section? I want to clean it up anyway.

I think we should keep original question text, and just add glucocorticoids +/- tocilizumab and methotrexate* with an asterisk) and mention that glucocorticoids are given first line, and toci or mtx given if adverse effects etc.

discussed extensively in maintainer chat