[03.07.2025] Other, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 3073682

View Suggestion on AnkiHub

I think it would be fine to bold those words, but not underline it, per the suggestion guidelines (see below) probably should reject:

“Bolding and such should be used to draw your eyes. Our eyes go to bold first, then underline, then italics.
It is best to tend to bold only the main subject and underline or italicize other important details.
Italics can easily go unnoticed, particularly if you don’t use custom coloring.
Use underlining sparingly!”

See link below for more details on the requirements for making suggestions to the Anking deck, in the future if you want to make changes like this I’d suggest to thomas to make these changes to your own deck and then protect the fields so you can make it the way you want.

📚 AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines.