[03.08.2024] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1172438

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Referenced card is nid:1505265921689

Thank you for updating rationale and resubmitting. In future, include the specific Note ID if you are referencing other cards in deck (right click card in Browse → card info)

support and suggested for the other card to match this formatting


Take 2: @AnKing-Maintainers


Unsure if this is necessary (do any other B-lactams have this effect?), but don’t mind it

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Same as @herstein.jacob , I think we’ve done this card just fine till now, it would just make it more specific which is not really necessary.

Reason im for this change is cuz other nid stated by cameron already says which carbapenem. Therefore this is the sister card which does not have the same formatting


Other card (nid:1505265921689) also says B-lactam, so I am a bit confused

This card**

Sorry yeah must’ve gotten my copy/paste mixed up; would be nid:1505266198241 ^


Got it! In that case, support