Should we add ‘of malignancy’?
Bony metastasis in breast cancer and multiple myeloma may lead to {{c1::hypercalcemia of malignancy}}
Or add it to the ‘Extra’?
And isn’t increased osteolysis the mechanism for both breast and MM
Thus, in the Extra, the ‘In multiple myeloma,’ should be removed?
@beejumm I feel like malignancy is implied because of the context, but if it is recognized by AMBOSS I’d be fine with adding! Re: osteolysis, I considered changing this, but I believe the TNF-a aspect is unique to MM… not 100% sure though
@anking-maintainers bump to close out
The PTHrP in the original cloze probably made it easier to answer. We can maybe add hint ::electrolyte disturbance?
agree, could be many different answers such as pain, fractures, etc. maybe just “electrolyte” ?