[04.14.2024] Spelling/Grammar, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1350901

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perhaps “type of headache” instead?

we’ve gotten this suggestion a ton. @AnKing-Maintainers


Indifferent - nothing else really comes to mind for me because BBs are used for treatment of many other conditions, but not usually prophylaxis

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Agree with Jacob in that nothing else really comes to mind. This card is in long-term for me and haven’t had any issues with it

Yeah, maybe we bold prophylaxis? And add clarifier to the extra “bb used to treat many things but prophylaxis is specific for migraines”

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I think both of these changes would help fix any issues

Modified per suggestions and rewritten, OK with approval as if anyone else agrees.

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