[04.21.2024] Content error, Dermki/AnKingMed, ID 1371226

View Suggestion on AnkiHub

@harrisonedwards should we leave in the information about cat fleas still in the extra section?

I’d propose extra info on the human body louse instead, e.g.:
Pediculus humanus var. corporis
Also the vector of:
Borellia recurrentis in louse-borne relapsing fever
Rickettsia prowazekii in epidemic typhus

And also could put “and trench fever” at the end of the main Text section

Sounds reasonable. Should we list that cat fleas are even relevant? Seems like even UpToDate mentions it. I haven’t cross checked this with Alikhan but if Cat fleas are in there it might be worth at least mentioning?

I suggest no - Bolognia makes no mention of it; Rook mentions “Bartonella quintana has been detected in cat fleas [13] and in Pulex irritans [14], although its main vector is the body louse”, and also elsewhere in the book mentions that it has been detected in head lice (34.19) and crab lice (34.24). If we mention it, perhaps just something like “cat fleas and lice also possibly implicated”

That sounds very reasonable to me! Can you make those edits to the note? Then let me know and I’ll merge it!

I have just submitted a suggestion :slight_smile:

Oh you could have just edited this one!