[04.23.2024] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1378722

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Definitely reads smoother but this might cause people to think it’s asking for a specific virus

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Good catch, didn’t think of that

Seems we should just change the cloze to virus, no? If needed can label it as specifically viral gastroenteritis in extra but don’t think it’s entirely necessary

we can add hint ::Bacterial/Viral

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*results in

Think we should steer clear of clozes at the beginning when possible. Original card I think also does a better job of emphasizing the fact we are testing presence of other symptoms on top of diarrhea.

What about:

Which type of gastroenteritis, responsible for acute diarrhea, presents with myalgias, malaise, and nausea/vomiting?

{{c1::Viral::Bacterial or Viral}}


Agree with @Cameron support suggestion, but think it’s fine as is also

Closing this out, 3 others in support of minor wording change I suggested above. Added some formatting