[05.03.2024] Other, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1451603

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@joshuamb Do you know how to make the “Watch…” hyperlinks? If not that chill but if you are already editing the cards we are hoping to remove all the “Sketchy Physiology: …” titles that are above and add their corresponding hyperlinks below like the rest of sketchy is formatted

I don’t, but I’m pretty sure I can figure it out. I’ll take a look at adding the hyperlinks to some of the cards I’ve already edited and going forward once I get it figured out.

Thanks! Let me know if there’s anything else.

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I just use this add on: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/318752047
which makes it super easy. Just type “watch name of video” (I usually just copy this from the website too so I don’t have to type it) highlight that and then ctrl+shift+H and it opens a window and you just copy and paste the URL (make sure your on the video tab not the quiz or symbol explorer) into the hyperlink. not too bad