[05.07.2024] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1464280

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Unfortunately AMBOSS does not address spiral CT at all except in a couple very obscure places, so I had to go to UpToDate for this, but I think nowadays all CT is essentially helical/spiral CT except for the head for some reason (UpToDate). Therefore, you would not choose spiral CT over pulmonary angiography (CTPA) as implied in this post, you would just do CTPA and it would probably be the spiral version of CT. Either way, AMBOSS very clearly states that CTPA is the preferred choice for pulmonary embolism and doesn’t mention spiral.

I also don’t think the image should be removed as it very clearly places the answer to this question in the broader context of medical decision making, which is helpful. I made another suggestion that incorporates all of this.
