[05.23.2024] Other, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 1615635

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Don’t think this is 100% necessary, but not opposed either

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Yeah I agree, it was an experimental idea

Wanted to see if that made it easier to see the reasons

Can reject if we think it’s unneccessary

Does it make the card longer so you have to scroll more during reviews?

Edit: Just tested it and it seems like you have to scroll less and it’s easier to follow along in my opinion.

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Around the same, I’d say

With table:

Without table:
wihtout table

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Is there a way to make the borders thicker on specific lines? Could have an extra bold border between each word instead of a blank space so it’s a bit more condensed. +Integrate whatever is in parentheses in the left column into right column

Like the update in general though, my eyes glaze over any time I see a block of text longer than a few lines tbh

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I’m not very well versed with html tables tbh

@shmuelsash Would be possible to do that?

How’s this?

I updated the card with it
