[06.25.2023] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 538906

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Here is a link to a screenshot of the relevant section in FA https://imgur.com/jNRZo1u

This card came straight from Pathoma. Context from AMBOSS seems to say cholelithiasis (gallstones) w/ chronic inflammation (chronic cholecystitis?) is the most common risk factor. Favor keeping as is (https://next.amboss.com/us/article/e30xhf?q=gallbladder%20carcinoma#Yeef7e5c2ab8c5b7320d87431ba7a7ee7 )

The AMBOSS article you linked seems to favor using both, stating that the most common risk factor is “Cholelithiasis with chronic inflammation” (aka chronic cholecystitis). I am willing to resubmit something along those lines if that is preferred. Ultimately though, the pathophys of a non-inflamed gallstone leading to gallbladder carcinoma (as this card currently implies) does not seem to make sense based on now both of these resources.

(Here is the link to relevant section in AMBOSS article: https://next.amboss.com/us/article/e30xhf?q=gallbladder%20carcinoma#aPaQWk)