I am for pushing this change through rather than mine, both tackle same mistake, but have some suggestions
- As this interaction causes the APC to express T-cell costimulatory signals (B7)
- Recall B7/CD28 interaction involves CD4+ T cell activation (co-stimulatory signal)
- CD40/CD40L interaction also enhances MHC II expression on APC
- B7 also known as CD80/86
ok took both comments and fused them in my suggestion, will post on maintainer’s chat and push for the change
@Ahmed7 @Cameron @shmuelsash @thomas.holmes @zarathustra @Sameem - I am a bit far removed from my immunology class… this card history is nuts, too… thoughts? Has this been addressed with more recent changes - I can’t even tell
Not necessary to add CD80/86, it just complicates things, lets keep it simple. Otherwise support.