[09.18.2023] Other, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 696831

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okay with this, @herstein.jacob @Cameron @shmuelsash @Sameem @Tahseen @Bilal @StanG

However NIH: pells usually last between 4 and 30 seconds. Can you check on amboss?

Ah I see, that’s the atypical one, should we mention that in extra?

I don’t think it can hurt

Wanna edit in what you’d like to add?

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Added #deck-AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2-AnKingMed and removed #deck-anking-overhaul-for-step-1–2-ankingmed

Edited, have a look.

Current structure is meant to be opposite of nid:1583283577898… I think this is based on something specific, but can’t remember what…

Think this other nid is meant to contrast with focal w/ impaired awareness? Idk

We can mark that one as dupe?

Maybe change the other one to same format as this but for appropriate condition (i.e., Focal seizure with impaired awareness presents as episodes lasting {{xyz}}) instead of deleting

I do not support this change at all. Theres a note to trick u with this and knowing the actual seconds is useless just need to recognize


Indifferent, can also do

What seizure presents as episodes lasting 5-10 seconds?

{{c1::Absence seizures}}


I’m cool with that

@Anking-maintainers bump

Would prefer @Ahmed7 version, think this should go to Slack

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@anking-maintainers bump

Like @Ahmed7 's version with 5 upvotes best, seems much more useful than yes/no and not as burdensome as trying to remember an exact range of seconds

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