@alexlewis I reckon we should actually remove the 11_Complications/Prognosis tags here. I feel that this card is very much mx of APO rather than a card listing APO as a complication of HF… thoughts @sabicool ? Probs doesn’t really matter but again probs good to sort this out now.
@Stapedius I agree, although I have an additional problem with this card. @alexlewis I think for conditions such as APO, you should be expected to know the initial management (comprehensively, not just pharmacological) off the top of your head (e.g. LMNOP → Lasix, Morphine, Nitrites, Oxygen, Position Upright). Also consider adding ACI guidelines to additional resources, or cross referencing as such - see: Shortness of breath with a history of cardiac disease | Adult ECAT protocol | Emergency care assessment and treatment
Actually I think APO should be its own heading. There are enough specifics to it and can be caused by things other than heart failure.