[10.08.2023] New card to add, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 739024

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think c2 should be together (so ego and bronchophony are in the same cloze) then use c3 to cloze consolidation? this will mess up c3 for people that have done this but honestly don’t think there needs to be 5 closes for this card

Agree, this card becomes really straight forward after you’ve done it a few times and seen consolidation on practice Qs. Would combine c2 and c3, people that have been doing c3 would likely be able to answer consolidation pretty easily

Added #deck-AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2-AnKingMed and removed #deck-anking-overhaul-for-step-1–2-ankingmed

Added #deck-AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2-AnKingMed and removed #deck-anking-overhaul-for-step-1–2-ankingmed

@herstein.jacob @Cameron @shmuelsash @Sameem @StanG @zarathustra @Tahseen @Bilal

No strong feelings - I think card is ok as is

Support but kinda comfused , especially since we’ve lately got the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” criticism.

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yeah i dont think this card is an issue how it is originally