[11.05.2023] Updated Tags, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 787375

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this might be perhaps a QID that is step 1 related and not COMLEX, how can we be sure that this isn’t relevant? will keep for now until we get proof that it is not related

Added #deck-AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2-AnKingMed, rejected-suggestion and removed #deck-anking-overhaul-for-step-1–2-ankingmed, open-suggestion

I didn’t know that the step 1 qbank can have QIDs with a number that high. I was under the assumption that any QIDs with numbers > 20000 are generally COMLEX related. Anyway the QID in reference was about epidural hematomas and not SVC syndrome