[11.07.2024] Updated content, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 2402371

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You have only turned it white, paste without formatting and then it should default to whatever each user sets it as in the anking note type setting.

@Brian_BH you can edit the html or paste without formatting to remove the white colour from the new text otherwise anyone in light mode cant read the text

@kevinpanini being a dedicated dark-mode user I hadn’t even noticed; great catch. :slight_smile:

Give it a look now on your end, should be good now I believe

Yep, im a dark mode user, but I am sure at least a couple of people here use light mode for whatever reason. Either way, the issue is fixed.

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I obviously missed the formatting; what tipped you off?

didnt read this till today, but not many people know how to paste without removing the formatting, on windows i use windows powertoys to paste without the colour coding, so i just assume its unlikely other people do that as well

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