yes please this would be rlly good imo
edited to fix typo, fix extra, and remove all the span tags.
there’s alrady a PAIR mnemonic i think that is way more HY than this… - ready to approve if it gets 4 upvotes i think. if not then will reject
yea the PEAR for RCC is way more helpful, but these symptoms I feel like it’s asking for are so nonspecific it may be necessary here - amboss lists sxs as fever, severe headache, malaise, myalgia, abdominal pain, nausea, cough, maculopapular or petechial rash that spreads from the trunk to the extremities, confusion, coma, seizures - the only symptom common from amboss and from the text already are the rash - amboss nor uptodate list pneumonia or encephalitis as sxs