Couldn’t we just change the answer to {{c1::Gastric bypass surgery}}?
tbh I’m not sure what the perfect change would look like, but I would like to see the role of the duodenum and proximal jejunum in iron absorption included as part of the explanation in the extra section
Here’s an idea. Someone please edit if you can improve it, or chime in with a disagreement!
What surgical procedure is associated with iron deficiency anemia (IDA)?
{{c1::Gastric bypass surgery}}
*Bonus: Why?
*Bypassing the duodenum (the primary site of iron absorption) leads to decreased intestinal absorption
Decreased gastric acid also contributes to iron deficiency, as acid normally maintains iron in the Fe2+ state (more readily absorbed than Fe3+)
This card previously stated “gastrectomy” as the answer. Changed due to a greater focus by AMBOSS and UWorld on bypassing of the duodenum as the mechanism of iron deficiency (Nov 2024)
support andrew’s suggestion, should * second point as well though as they both contribute (even though 1st one may play more of a role)
I updated the suggestion to match @andrewmathias8 one, you can vote on his comment