[12.03.2022] Updated content, AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2/AnKingMed, ID 79953

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I have trouble with this need help verifying

immunization schedule article includes asplenia under PCV13 section (no PCV15 section at all) - https://next.amboss.com/us/article/zm0rRg?q=pcv13#Z61249dad1b96f71371fce6f8fb91715f - while asplenia article includdes PCV15 at 2 weeks https://next.amboss.com/us/article/v40AOT?q=pcv15#oQc0CX0

UTD has this as can do either the 15 or 13 followed by PPSV23 - unlikely this is ever tested which - I think I’ll include both unless someone can find something more clear than UTD