[12.15.2024] Updated content, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 2608323

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@jou002 hello and thank you for the suggestion. As with any/all content-related suggestions we ask that the proposed edit include a source citation in order to streamline both the process of suggestions as well as the process of approval and deck maintenance overall. Submission guidelines may be found here: 📚 AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines

Let me know if you have any questions. :slight_smile:

i believe there is another card that specifies this, but if we wanted to be even more specific we could mention that the hair cells in the cochlea transduce the sound.

It’s not a bad suggestion, and I’m inclined toward approving it. But, it’s also important to set the expectation that folks include source citation as a general rule.

This one is easy enough to track down, but it’s not a habit that scales well at volume; not possible to approve suggestions and have to double-down on tracking down and corroborating sources too so it’s always important to encourage users to include sources for anything content-related.