2nd edition completed!

Very happy to announce that all decks have 2nd edition content and all 1st edition content has been removed!* :boom:

Now we can use the deck to study by unlocking cards page by page as you read the book. Thank you so much to everyone making contributions. Special thanks to those who have been consistently making suggestions the last few months. The more we study together, the better this deck will get.

All suggestions are welcome including typos, content correction, grammar, new cards, delete cards, tags, etc. If you see something wrong don’t just change it on your end.

*Physics section is incomplete and may be replaced with cards based on Michael Nel’s (radiology tutorials) physics course in the future.


I still have broken links to many images. What’s the best way to use the mega file and is it updated?

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yes, a lot of images in deck are unused. Should we delete them?

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Many of those are likely to be from deleted first edition cards, so yes it’s likely fair game to delete them.

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There is someone who is updating the decks who keeps making the notes all italics and not putting the title in the section title portion of the card - I know its kinda picky but if that person catches this can they start doing that lol. I’m trying to clean it up after fact but its a lot and tedious! Thanks!


Hopefully it’s not me, check the card history on ankihub.