Essentially was trying to make changes as a deck maintainer and each time I create new cards I’m able to hit the “Suggest Change” button. However, the error is occurring each time I hit the button. I can go back and manually suggest a change and patch new cards without any issues when in the deck browser, but not in the card editing window itself as a separate window.
Error message (don't change this)
Anki 23.12.1 (1a1d4d54) (ao)
Python 3.9.15 Qt 6.6.1 PyQt 6.6.1
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22631
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "aqt.taskman", line 142, in _on_closures_pending
File "aqt.taskman", line 86, in <lambda>
File "aqt.taskman", line 106, in wrapped_done
File "aqt.operations", line 127, in wrapped_done
File "aqt.addcards", line 283, in on_success
File "_aqt.hooks", line 40, in __call__
File "C:\Users\do26.zefrost\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\", line 105, in on_did_add_note
open_suggestion_dialog_for_note(note, parent=editor.widget)
File "C:\Users\do26.zefrost\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\", line 90, in open_suggestion_dialog_for_note
File "C:\Users\do26.zefrost\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\addons21\1322529746\gui\", line 328, in __init__
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QWidget has been deleted