We will be posting a basic guide for card suggestions shortly.
May I suggest an updated comprehensive list of note text and image preferences?
A post most recently edited by Ankore on 5/18 outlines general instructions for note making/editing, but there are other nuances (placing images in the front ‘text’ box instead of ‘extra’, adding arrows to images, headers vs no headers, image resolution requirements, etc) that are not explicitly mentioned and may have evolved over time. Some of these preferences are discussed in forum comments, while others are seemingly first mentioned when a suggestion has been rejected.
I suspect that those suggesting edits not in line with deck author preferences (myself included) are doing so for the sake of improving deck homogeneity without certainty of what is considered optimal. I’ve been using existing cards as a template, but there is a good amount of stylistic heterogeneity both within and between chapters.
My hope is that an updated styling guide would streamline your suggestion review process. If this list already exists, please direct me to it.
Farojw: Yes I was just talking to another deck moderator about that today. We are figuring this out as we go along but I think we have enough to make a running list now. Let me figure out where it would be best to post it because an update might get washed away by other updates. We could put it in the wiki. Give me a few days to work on it. Thank you!!
Edit: Edited the post. Will include image guidelines in the wiki update rather than in this update to avoid confusion.
Farojw: Just posted a guidelines update to the wiki check it out!
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