The MangoMedic NEET PG Deck Update #2

Hello everybody!:wave:

Welcome to the 2nd MangoMedic NEET PG Deck update.

:heart_hands: 300+ Subscribers

:tada: 33,598 Updates

:construction: Projects

★Tagging Project

This is where a huge amount of effort has been put in by our wonderful team.

★18,000+ Flashcards Tagged Chapter-wise

Fully tagged subjects: Anesthesia, Dermatology, ENT, Opthalmology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology

Subjects under work: Medicine, Community Medicine.

Reach out to to be a part of the Volunteer Team.

🫶🏼 MangoMedic Team Shoutout

These guys have put in a lot of time and effort to get 18,000+ cards tagged chapter-wise. So a big thank you guys.

To contribute to this deck, reach out to Any help is greatly appreciated.

I also request the subscribers to suggest changes to the deck whenever you notice something missing, new updates, Images or basically anything that you think might improve this deck for our fellow medicos.

:link: FAQs - AnkiHub Community

Comment below if you have any inquiries regarding this topic!

Take care

and keep smashing on that spacebar!!

The MangoMedic

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Keep it up everyone!