[Wiki] AnKore for ABR Diagnostic Radiology Core Exam by Ankore

Does this deck only cover materials in the Core Radiology Textbook?

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Yes, with some corrections / supplemental information from other resources. This deck covers the main topics of radiology as well as commonly tested zebras in an organized fashion. This is just one of many resources that can be used through residency and should not be your only study tool.

Hey stumphickory! This is a great deck. Would you please be able to update the AnkiCollab version or post an export for the current version? I believe it is quote outdated and is the one I have been using. Thanks!


Thanks for the deck. Any suggestions on deck settings? Should we leave it set to the default “ankihub” settings?

Additionally, if anyone is able to answer this, I am having a weird experience where some cards will be due in 3 days with “good,” some 2 days, and some will be 4 days. They were unsuspended and done at the same time, and the first click on all three was “good.” Is this indicative of messed up settings/deck?

Hello fahfar, we recommend you use the deck from ankihub. We do not regularly upload to AnkiCollab as there are 50-100 suggestions / corrections to the deck daily.

Hello, portions of the neuroanatomy, neurovascular anatomy, and physics chapters are missing images for me. How should I fix this? Is this happening to anyone else?

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DM me the card IDs or subdeck names and I will check.

Hey all,

Quick question. Is there away to get the core page to pop up without having to click on it? As shown in attached image. It takes a second to click open which really slows down my workflow. Thanks in advance.

Is this deck considered usable for core studying purposes or still a work in progress? How many cards are in it at the moment? Want to know if paying for ankihub to get this is feasible right now, or if I should wait.

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I and other residents are using it to study for core. It is Core Radiology with some adjustments to conform to the anki format. There are only spot corrections going on right now and will continue to happen for as long as the deck is public. FYI the deck does not have physics cards but otherwise everything is covered.

Not that I know of, might be an option in the HTML of the card but I am not familiar. If you post to a general support forum you should get an answer.

I just fresh downloaded anki and this deck; none of the cards are locked. It’s only showing 193 new cards due. Why is that? Does it have to do with the “recommended settings,” that ankihub asked me if I want to use when I installed the deck?


You can suspend all the cards by going to Browse in your Anki → on the left hand side go to decks → find AnKore → click on a card → Cmd + A → right click → toggle suspend

Hello, how many cards are there in this Ankore deck? It shows 24802 cards for me. Also, I have 154 cards with missing media, I followed the instruction and imported the media folder but still have 154 cards with missing media.

Can we get an updated megalink for media files? I accidentally deleted a bunch of media and now after re-uploading the media file I have tons of missing media from cards/notes that have been added or updated since the megalink was last updated.

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Any input/suggestions on how to best use the deck? Have been trying to keep up with everything in each core chapter as I go through my R1 rotations but its getting to be a lot to go through each day

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Sshakya -

Yes it is a lot to cover and I personally recommend choosing a chapter of core you want to cover, for example pediatric gastrointestinal, then read that chapter page by page. For each page you read, unlock the cards tagged for that page. I also recommend if you read and unlock multiple pages at once to sort the position of the cards so that anki presents the content in the proper sequence.

I also recommend using multiple study methods at once such as another question bank. That way you can put your missed questions in the “missed questions” section of the anki card and see that question as you study.

My last recommendation is that you add images to the anki cards as you study. Adding images such as from Radiopaedia (especially to the FRONT of cards when possible) I believe makes the deck much more practical. But make sure to source your image.

where is the Ultrasound section?