[Wiki] AnKore for ABR Diagnostic Radiology Core Exam by Ankore

This is a radiology deck for the ABR Diagnostic Radiology Core Exam.

Cards tagged with 1E need to be updated to 2E (mostly media), and there are some sections that are incomplete with placeholder cards to maintain the folder structure. It is recommended to search for “DECK PLACEHOLDER CARD” and suspend these cards.

If you want to format text, here are some style suggestions:

  • Use bold for nouns and medical terms.
  • Use underline or italics to emphasize anything else.
  • Avoid capitalizing medical terms unless they are proper nouns or otherwise conventionally capitalized.
  • Consider including line breaks between text and images in the same field to separate content (less hunting for the eyes).

#Adding media:

  • If you want to submit images, please set your Anki to paste as .PNG, as .JPG files are lossy and create compression artifacts.
  • If pasting from a PDF, the best way to copy images on Windows is with PDF-XChange Editor, which allows you to select images directly to copy, as well as clean snapshots that include overlaying text (link here: PDF-XChange Editor Download Page).

#How to use:
The deck is organized into subdecks by chapters. Each card will ultimately be given hierarchical tags with the following format: #Ankore::Textbooks::Core_Radiology::####.

Read a page and unsuspend the relevant cards, and you should be good to go!

Please suggest edits or new cards as you see fit.

There is also an anatomy section being made that includes occlusion cards.


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Not sure why but when I download the mega file the files are not compatible with anki,

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The mega file is just the media files! To download the deck itself make sure you have the ankihub add-on installed (add on #: 1322529746) then use the ankihub tab in anki to subscribe to the ankore deck and then sync with ankihub. Hope that helps!

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Is there somewhere I can get this version of the core radiology book? My page numbers are different.