“EMbrace the Boards” is a robust Anki deck designed for focused preparation for the Emergency Medicine In-Training Examination (ITE). This comprehensive resource draws heavily from HippoEM videos and other high-yield materials, including EMRAP and Rosh Review. It offers a concise, structured approach to mastering what you need to know for the ITE. Use it to streamline your ITE study regimen and maximize your readiness for the Boards.
How to Properly Use “EMbrace the Boards” Anki Deck
Step 1: Install and Open “EMbrace the Boards” Anki Deck
Step 2: Suspend All Cards
After importing, open the deck and go to the “Browse” tab within Anki. Select all cards (Ctrl+A or Cmd+A) and right-click to choose “Suspend” from the context menu. This will suspend all cards initially.
Step 3: Watch Corresponding HippoEM Videos
As you begin your study journey, use HippoEM videos as your primary resource. While watching a video that correlates with a specific topic in the deck, make a note of the corresponding card(s) in “EMbrace the Boards.”
Step 4: Unlock Relevant Cards
Return to Anki and navigate to the deck’s browser. Use the search function to find and select the cards related to the topic you just watched in HippoEM. Right-click on the selected cards and choose “Unsuspend” to unlock them.
Step 5: Study and Review
Now that you’ve unlocked the relevant cards, you can start studying them. Use Anki’s spaced repetition system to review cards regularly.
Step 6: Continue with Your Study Plan
Repeat steps 3-5 as you progress through your study plan, unlocking cards only for topics you’ve covered in HippoEM. This approach ensures that your card reviews align with your video-based learning.
Step 7: Stay Consistent
Consistency is key. Keep watching HippoEM videos, unlocking related cards, and reviewing them regularly.
By following these steps, you’ll optimize your use of the “EMbrace the Boards” Anki deck, aligning it with the HippoEM videos for efficient and effective preparation for the Emergency Medicine In-Training Examination (ITE).
Your Input Matters! Help Us Enhance the “EMbrace the Boards” Anki Deck
Content Suggestions: If you’ve identified topics, concepts, or clinical pearls that you believe should be included or expanded upon, please share them with us.
Supplemental Images: High-quality visuals can significantly aid memory retention. If you have images, diagrams, or charts that complement any cards, kindly send them our way.
Card Improvements: If you’ve spotted any errors, inaccuracies, or areas where the cards can be made clearer, don’t hesitate to let us know.
*by subscribing you attest you own a subscription to HippoEM, Rosh and EMRAP.
I have added approximately 1500 new cards to this deck. These should be seen as supplemental. They are based mostly on Corpendium chapters. Unlock as you see fit. The GI and Cardiology section is unique in that I used the Model of EM to create them. They are comprehensive on their own and can be used to replace the decks in the original.