[01.21.2024] Updated content, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 1006699

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@Ahmed7 I think this would be better for formatting purposes but it would give away how many steps in the sequence there are. Iā€™m thinking that this hint would still be alright. What are your thoughts?

Would it be feasible to turn this into a 1by1 card?

I think it definitely would be suitable. To my understanding, one by one displays the card one cloze at a time without having to skip onto the next card until the full 6 steps are revealed. I do see a blank for it under cards, but not sure how to set it up

You just have to add the letter ā€œyā€ to the 1by1 field, and turn all the clozes as c1

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Cool, I just edited the card for 1by1 & merged

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