[02.02.2025] Updated content, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 2931586

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While it may be a good idea on the surface, haveing this one different from the other theories would cause people to recall this question based on just the structure of the question. Look at the bigger picture here.

The {{c1::nativist theory::theory}} of language states {{c2::that language acquisition is innate}}.

The {{c1::behaviorist theory::theory}} of language states {{c2::that language acquisition is controlled by operant conditioning and reinforcement by parents and caregivers}}.

(notice how all 3 have the same format, so people memorize the definition )

That’s fair. I think the social interactionist approach card should be changed then though and this one can be kept the same.

I think that when testing multiple components of the same topic there has to be enough information around the cloze that the answer shouldn’t have to be guessed in terms of what fact the card is referring to. It creates a lot of issues with then judging whether someone should pass or fail a card and can generally just be annoying.

Sorry this was vague I mistyped. I meant the OTHER social interactionist card should be changed not this one. [02.02.2025] Updated content, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 2931585