[03.27.2024] Updated content, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 1238491

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Hey @pingasingming , I started a discussion on this edit in a previous suggestion. I’ve included it below. Let me know if there is a particular reason you would like to include it or any areas you find not applicable from my below response. I’m honestly happy to discuss! At the end of the day, my job is to just make this deck as good as it can be

Two separate notes (nid: 1590819892845 & 1555292443390) cover interactionists’ proposed impetus to learn language. This note covers where interactionists fall on the spectrum of nature vs nurture. Nativists and Behaviorists fall on either end whereas interactionists are in the middle. If content is covered in another note, we usually don’t add that into a separate note if it serves a different purpose.