[02.11.2024] New Tags, AnKing-MCAT/AnKingMed, ID 1055634

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@Brian_BH Could you share the rationales for tags outside of QID 402227?

QID 403494:

This one is a splitting question rather than a shielding question specifically.

QID 402227:

Question asks to predict the chemical shift of a given molecule in the follow-up to it being deshielded. Requires the explicit knowledge that deshielding would lead to further downfield positioning, as other answer options confuse this effect or intentionally have it backward which would prevent proper answering of the question without this knowledge.

QID 403495:

Question gives an example molecule and asks to predict the expected downfield shift of the protons on a given carbon. Requires the understanding between shielding and chemical shift in order to avoid other answer options that would presume a more shielded proton to have a larger chemical shift, or a less shielded one to have a smaller chemical shift, etc. Requires the explicit knowledge that greater deshielding leads to greater chemical shift.

QID 401242:

This one is an integration question, rather than a shielding question per se.

QID 401243:

Question requires specific understanding of the effects of a given proton on a specified example molecule and asks to predict the chemical shift. Requires the understanding between shielding and chemical shift in order to avoid other answer options that would presume a more shielded proton to have a larger chemical shift, or a less shielded one to have a smaller chemical shift, etc. Requires the explicit knowledge that greater deshielding leads to greater chemical shift. Other answer options have values that are either inappropriately far downfield, or not downfield enough relative to other protons present on the molecule.

QID 400291:

Question requires the understanding that, in this particular example, the presence of calcium deshielding (a given effect in the question) would lead specifically to deshielding and that this, in turn, would lead to a larger chemical shift. Question is very straightforwardly just asking for recgnize that deshielding leads to larger chemical shift, which requires this knowledge in order to avoid nonsensical answer options given.

QID 401694:

Question gives an example compound with various proton presences and asks to predict the chemical shift, as given on an example NMR graph. Requires understanding that, in this case, the more deshielded protons will be likely to appear further downfield than other, more shielded, protons present on the molecule. Requires the explicit knowledge that more deshielding = more downfield = larger chemical shift.

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