[09.21.2024] Updated content, AnKing Step Deck/AnKingMed, ID 2150860

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@AnKing-Maintainers I wonder if this card should be changed. I’m not sure how though. Either as the user suggests, or something like “increased sputum purulence and ≥ 1 other cardinal symptom of COPD”. Or just a note in Extra such as “There is no consensus on the routine use of antibiotics in treating COPD. Guidelines for their indication vary, with some recommending antibiotics for increased sputum purulence and at least one other cardinal symptom of AECOPD, while others require all three symptoms to be present.”

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I know it conflicts with what AMBOSS says, but UW states that you need any two of them, or the ones who require mechanical ventilation

So to answer questions I think the current card without the change might be the safer option to go with

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Great, thanks for the UW insight!